Build Your House on the Rock
Communicating a Culture of Life: The Redemptive Power of Conversion Narratives
Courageously Compassionate, Compassionately Courageous: Biblical Apologetics, the Christian Worldview, and Contemporary Social Issues
Curved into Ourselves: How the New Gnosticism Cancels Our Own Humanity
Education Philosophy: Who Should Teach Your Children?
Getting the Facts Straight: How Grammar, History, & Logic Can Rescue Education from Postfactualism
Getting the Facts Straight: How Grammar, History, and Logic Can Rescue Education from Postfactualism
God’s Workmanship: A Biblical Exploration of Creation, Ancient History, and the Natural Family
Is the Old Testament Reliable? The Evidence within the Text
Natural Law Principles: Family, Gender, and Chastity
Natural Revelation: Two Lectures in Denmark (Lutherskfordybelse 2023)
Ottawa Circuit COVID Convocation Part I: The Magdeburg Confession of 1550
Ottawa Circuit COVID Convocation Part II: How to Avoid Reading Romans 13 like a Nazi
Pro-Life Apologetics
Rediscovering Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Eighteenth-Century Solutions for Twenty-first Century Problems
State Teacher Licensing Requirements vs. the Bible, the Hymnal, and the Catechism
Teaching Objective Morality to a Postmodern Audience
Teaching Objective Morality to a Postmodern Audience
The Coercive Reality behind Pro-Choice Rhetoric
The Coercive Reality behind Pro-Choice Rhetoric: Identifying What ‘Popular Sovereignty,’ ‘Reproductive Freedom,’ and ‘Death with Dignity’ Demand from Persons Who Disagree
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