Bringing Good News to Life in Defense of Marriage
Build Your House on the Rock
Cherish God's Gift of Life
Communicating a Culture of Life: The Redemptive Power of Conversion Narratives
Darwinism, Contraception, and the Decline of Manhood
Facebooking for Life in a Wiki World of Tweeting YouTubes
God’s Life-Giving Gospel Is Active at Conception
How a Christian Child’s Love Won Jane Roe’s Heart
Men and Abortion: The Forgotten Legacy of Roe v. Wade
Pro-Life Apologetics
Ten Surprising Facts concerning the Abortion Controversy in America
The Baby War: Defenders and Defectors
The Coercive Reality behind Pro-Choice Rhetoric
The Coercive Reality behind Pro-Choice Rhetoric: Identifying What ‘Popular Sovereignty,’ ‘Reproductive Freedom,’ and ‘Death with Dignity’ Demand from Persons Who Disagree
The Culture of Life: Ten Essential Principles for Christian Bioethics
The Culture of Life: Ten Principles for Christian Bioethics
The Foundation of Christian Bioethics
Whose Fault Was No-Fault Divorce?